Exploring the new anima® tools
We are proud to share with you the workshop that we have dictated in SOA ADX 2019. In this occasion we have been able to show the bases of animation with anima® and many of the new features included in version 4D that will be released at the end of the year.
As you can see in the video, the new version of anima®, includes two new types of models, the Ambient 3D models and the 4D Digital Humans®. AXYZ is innovating one more time with a revolutionary product for the character animation industry, anima® 4D. This new version of anima character population system offers a definitive solution to the problem known as Uncanney Valley: The appearance and behavior of the new characters included in anima® 4D manages to be perceived as truly human.
"This achievement will be revolutionary. For the first time in history, we make an unprecedented technological product available to artists and visualization professionals. It is the beginning of a revolution of which we are proud to be the protagonists," says Diego Gadler, CEO of AXYZ design.
The new technology will be available from December 2019, corresponding to the launch of anima® 4D and its new high quality animated content. Users will be able to bring to life any type of 3D visualization project, whether it is offline rendering or realtime.
We hope very soon to start a beta testing program.
Stay tuned!
The full Workshop
A quick technology test with Corona render
A quick technology test with Unreal Engine