" data-src="Cn8zUTG8y70" data-tags="ANIMAUNREAL ENGINEANIMATED 3D PEOPLEARCHVIZARCHITECTURAL VISUALIZATIONRENDER " data-link="" data-target-link="false" data-link-title="" ;="">
This conceptual project tries to awaken interest in the search for new stylistic forms of visualization for the architectural spaces that surround us.
The world of crowd simulation has been given new life with the release of Anima 4.0. This is a major step towards a new way of creating even more realistic and life-like experiences. The software has been greatly improved since version 3.5 to be the best and fastest option on the market that focuses on a single goal: no fancy features, simpler and more consistent workflow, and at the same time affordable.
Welcome to a new series of video tutorials. In this particular video, we will show a "Use case" where anima software will be used to add 3d people to an exterior architecture project.
In this particular video, we will show how the FREE version anima® LITE can be used to add 3d people to an interior architectural visualization project using the new Drag&Drop Gallery directly inside 3dsMax®.
Character animation is a very specialized area and because of its complexity, most of this type of work is time-consuming and traditionally restricted to very advanced users or specialists, leaving virtually no access to for the majority of users. Anima changes all of that!
anima®'s 3D viewport shows a real-time preview of the results of your animation project. It also enables you to draw walkways, create areas, place escalators and stairs, move actors, assign motion clips, adjust poses, and much much more.
Before you start your animation project, you’ll need to prepare your 3D architectural models for use in anima®. These imported 3D models will only be used as a reference for the design of the animation paths and areas, they won’t be visible during the rendering phase.
The walkway tool provides an easy-to-use and intuitive method to add moving actors to your scenes. It works by creating paths for characters to follow, using advanced collision and avoidance simulation algorithms to create believable interaction.
anima® gives you precise control over how your characters are distributed on a walkway either using presets or by creating your own placement patterns using the Cross Distribution, Longitudinal distribution, and Actor spacing range parameters.
The socialization controls give you the ability to decide the number of actors that will leave the walkway to socialize, the length of time they spend there, the parts of the area they head for, and much more. Best of all, creating socialized characters is as easy as overlapping an Area and a Walkway.
Create a detailed animated audience for your visualization project by simply importing the seating area from your architectural model. Adding huge and varied animated crowds can be done with ease following some simple steps.
Anima does not require a special object to create characters that traverse slopes, stairs, and uneven terrains. Just place a walkway over your background model and Anima intelligently creates the best animation type for the geometry. It’s as easy as that!
In the anima© Editing Mode you'll be able to set up every aspect of each actor and animation of your library. Here you can change the textures, adjust poses, setup new animations, and organize all the library content with Tags and Categories.
With anima© texturing tools you'll have the ability to quickly and effortlessly generate limitless color variations for your characters. Using the easy to understand editor view you can specify exactly which sub materials will be used to limit color variations to an individual or a selection of parts of the model.
Tags and categories help to organize your resources and tell the system how to match appropriate motion clips to characters. This organization is what we'll use later in our Paths and Areas to easily select which groups of actors that we want to generate.
In addition to being able to extend Anima with additional Characters, you can also import your own motion clips. Motion clips should be applied to an Anima compatible rig and imported using the FBX format. Here you'll learn how to import animations and adjust them to be used with any actor.
Before you start your animation project, you’ll need to prepare your 3D architectural models to be used in anima©. These imported 3D models will only be used as a reference for the design of the animation paths and areas, they won’t be visible during the rendering phase.
anima© allows you to render animations in your favorite 3d application using plugins specially designed to import and render a large quantity of 3D characters. The anima© plugin for 3ds Max optimizes memory usage and gives you the flexibility to use your choice of renderer including V-Ray, Corona, Arnold, FStorm, Maxwell, Octane, Redshift, Thea, Scanline and Mental Ray.
Synchronizing your Projects and Scenes with your favorite 3D modeling and rendering software is as simple as clicking a button. The new alive™ link will keep the scene synchronized and updated in both anima® and your 3D application. This way you can concentrate on your work and project design while alive™ will get in charge of the rest. The back-and-forth workflow is over!