ANIMA 4.0.2 UPDATE | 14/05/2020
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Cinema4D® Plugin: Added support for Cinema4D® S22.
UE4® Plugin: Added support for UE4® 4.25.
3DS Max® Plugin: Added support on the 4D models for the latest FStorm® stable build.
3DS Max® Plugin: Now you can use MaxScript to activate the dummies in the actors for linking props.
Deploy Tool: Added the option to deploy for 3DS Max® 2021 and Cinema4D® S22 installations.
anima®: Fixed an issue where a certain set of assets would not unload correctly and cause a crash in either anima or the plugins.
anima®: Fixed an issue where editing tags and categories on system assets weren’t allowed even if a project was open.
anima®: Fixed a rare case where opening a project would crash if scenes were deleted manually or missing in a certain order.
anima®: Fixed an issue where the correct message boxes would not appear if the hardware doesn’t support the basic rendering features required by anima®.
anima®: Fixed a rare crash when discarding changes to an asset in library mode and switching to another asset.
anima®: Fixed an issue where the variation preview in library mode would not work correctly on ready-posed and ambient actors.
anima®: Fixed an issue where the controls for the protection ranges in library mode would be limited to incorrect values.
3DS Max® Plugin: Fixed an issue where 4D actors would appear corrupted when rendering with Deadline and V-Ray.
Cinema4D® Plugin: Fixed an issue where the alive™ connection would break when doing certain operations on the anima object.
Cinema4D® Plugin: Fixed an issue where the alive™ connection would not update the whole animations of the cameras in the scene.
Cinema4D® Plugin: Corrected an offset that would appear between the background transform and the anima actors, creating visual differences between anima and the C4D plugin.
UE4® Plugin: Added a new setting for a minimum 4D actor framerate. This might help in alleviating the issues where stuttering or out of focus would cause 4D actors to stay behind and be unable to catch up during playback, causing extremely low framerates.
UE4® Plugin: Fixed a rare issue where some specific 4D actors would crash during playback.
UE4® Plugin: Fixed compatibility of 4D character playback for projects in paths that contain Unicode characters.
Maya® Plugin: Fixed Plaster and White/Transparent material preset on Arnold shaders.
anima®: The VrScenes exported from anima® have an issue with their textures in the latest V-ray versions. ChaosGroup® has confirmed to us that they have already made a bugfix for this problem and it will be included in their next releases of both V-ray Next® and V-ray 5®.
Cinema4D® Plugin: The 4D models don’t have Motion Blur on Cinema4D® due to an incompatibility with the architecture of this application. We have reported the problem to Maxon but there are no plans to solve this yet.
Cinema4D® Plugin: The IPR mode from V-Ray does not show textures on the models. We are talking with ChaosGroup to find a solution to this problem.
Maya® Plugin: The renderers supported by now on Maya® are Arnold, Redshift, and V-ray. Octane renderer will be added soon.
Maya® Plugin: The texture of the 4D models is not correctly updated when rendering sequences with V-ray.